Jun 14, 2008

It's Official

So I am an Aunt for real! Baby Izaak entered the world at about 5pm on June 12th. He was 6lbs 8oz and 19 3/4" long! He is sooo cute and as soon as I find my cable to connect my phone to the computer I will show you how cute he is. Here is how it all went down...

Wed. Night
My sister calls and asks, "So what are you doing at 4:30 tomorrow morning? Can you come to the hospital with me?"

Thurs. Morning
4:30am arrive at hospital
5:45am I call my mom to report that Sarah is 1 cm dilated and she should probably start driving to the hospital (from New Orleans) cause she didn't want to miss it.
4:30pm Sarah has been in labor like 12 hours and Izzak is still inside the oven so the Dr. does a c section and by 5:00pm we have a baby!

So it was a long day but totally worth it. I got to be a part of one of the greatest miracles ever... the creation of life. God has been planning Izzak since the beginning of time and he is finally here to start walking out the plans God wrote for him long ago. So cool!

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