May 28, 2010


I have learned a lot this week. I had a day off...I wasn't sure that I knew what it felt like anymore. Dr. Martin gave the staff a day of rest last Thursday, and I was so thankful. I don't know what it is...I hate the idea that I would need a day off. Does that make any sense?

I guess it is my pride that keeps me thinking that I should be able to do it...or it is the Enemy who tells me to keep going and ignore all of the warning signs.

Every now and then I forget that we are in a spiritual battle here. We are in a fight to keep our sanity sometimes, and have to go back to the basics of truth. We have to remind ourselves what is true and what is not.

Please, don't go another step forward without coming back to the truth of the matter. God loves you. He cares about you...not just in an employer-employee relationship, but He really cares about your heart, your head, and your body.

This week was a great reminder that God's work will continue to get done. None of it is dependent on one person. We are integral parts of the team, but the team looks out for each other. So I wanted to say, "thanks" to Martin and Wendy for giving me a day to get some personal things done. I went to the city and bought a mattress for my new bed and I did a little shopping. :-) It felt great to get some things scratched off of my personal list.

The HPC Construction team just left, and we are welcoming a team from Jubilee Church tomorrow afternoon. We are 5 teams into our 6 team stretch and our season of 10 summer teams. God is doing so many things around us! It is amazing how much is getting accomplished. Praise Him!

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