Aug 29, 2007


Brothers. Lunawana, Peru. Feb 2007.
I wonder if they are still there.

It's kind of crazy how things hit you all of a sudden.

I think about all of the little things that I take for granted everyday. I think about the sacrifices I have made to be where I am. I think about relationships in the past, present and the future.

I guess it takes big earth shaking events to really bring you back sometimes. To refocus on what is really important in this place... people. I know I will learn a lot in the next few years, but the one thing I hope to take away from this is the value of relationships.

I can admit I haven't always been the best at building or maintaining them.
I have always felt like I needed to prove my worth. To make sure everyone knew what I could bring to the table. I don't want to seek that kind of approval anymore.

So from now on, I have nothing to prove!

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