Oct 25, 2007

Missions Class

Bro. Jack and Mrs Dyer, world missionaries

Since I am in the Missions Stream of Elevate we get to attend special classes geared toward preparing us for the mission field. Last Sunday we were able to listen to the testimonies of Bro. and Mrs. Jack Dyer, who have over 25 years of experience each. They were already living in Honduras before hurricane Mitch devastated the country. They lived and worked in India for years and taught English using the Gospel while Bro. Jack worked as an engineer to they could legally live in the country. It was an incredible opportunity to ask questions and get real answers, not romanticized stories about the opportunity in the field.

The Dyers didn't go into the mission field until they were in their mid 40's, breaking all the rules of missionary etiquette. Bro Jack was an engineer and a pilot which God used to strategically place them in Honduras and then in India to spread the love of Jesus in some of the hardest environments.

He spoke about the call to missions God placed on His life and how important it is to know that God has called you. It is difficult for us to "know we are called" when it is rarely an audible voice form the heavens saying, "Heather pack your bags you are going to Peru." I really learned a lot about how to decipher the call on my life by looking at my past. Because God's plan for my life was written before the foundations of the earth; so he has been preparing me for this since the beginning. If I can look at my past though God's eyes I should be able to see how he has been preparing me for my future. What am I passionate about? What skills has he developed in me? What drives me? What makes me angry? These are all things God has put in me for a reason, and with God's direction I can begin to discover what they mean for my future. This is the time in my life when God has promised to prepare me for my future.

Bro Jack also said that he didn't create opportunities or relationships or try to manipulate his path. He served God and God created the way. God formed the right relationships. All Bro. Jack had to do was be available.

If you are praying for me please pray that I will have God's perspective when I look at my past and the wisdom to apply what I see to my future. I want to be guided by the Lord and not by my own ideas. Pray that I will be available for the Lord to use me and that I will prepare myself so that I will be ready when God's time comes.

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