Feb 19, 2009

Armor of God

You know the Bible talks about putting on the armor of God...I think moskito net should be added to that list...especially if you live in Honduras. 

Here is my new piece of armor...

If you notice we don't have ceilings in our house...just roof. The light you see coming through the roof...means that bugs can come in there too, but no worries now! I have protection!


Unknown said...

Wow girl!! I was cracking up.. being glad you werent wounded in battle of course.
Love your little net! Love scorpion body bits!

Love you xoxo

Anonymous said...

Heather, You should be used to mosquitos where you come from. Just so happens that I have been preaching through the "Aromor of God". We are talking tomorrow about feet fitted with a readiness to share the gospel of peace. As His warriors we all have one Life Mission: to share the good news of peace with God through Jesus. I will be sharing your purpose statement: Fighting against spiritual and physical malnutrition. Thanks for the encouragement you are to me. I'm praying for you.
Uncle David