Oct 15, 2009

Orientation Week

So many cool things have happened this week...I returned to Honduras as an HHGlobal Staff Member, we welcomed 3 new members of our team (Michael - RN, Becca - Support Staff, and Penny - cutest Jack Russel in Honduras)....and we had our first ever intern orientation!!

This is cool for a number of reasons, shall we list them?
  1. We now have 6 people working together to fulfill God's vision for HHGLobal and the Honduran people.
  2. We are getting organized - can you say "yay-yuh"?
  3. We have come full circle in the intern cycle - one intern turned staff member and now more interns!!
There is still so much work to do around here, and I know that our new team...however big, will be stretched to the limits. I pray that our capacities will be increased and that our tents will be enlarged. I pray that God will rock our worlds this year, and that we will never be the same again. I want Him to be real in my life and real to the people of our mountain cove, and all over the world.

That is what this world is crying out for...something real...the one true God.

How cool it is that I get to play a part in bringing Him around.

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