Oct 14, 2009

Social Media Craze

So I have recently given in to the world of social media. Maybe it is because I have been back in the States for a few weeks, but it is so easy to stay connected with people through all of the social media options.

What is social media? There are a million answers to this question: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc., etc., etc.

The funny thing is...that you can set them up to talk to each other. For example: if you have friends that follow you on Facebook but would never venture off of their news feed to read your blog, you can have your blog automatically post to your Facebook page.

So I am trying it out...this post should not only post to my blog, but also to my Facebook. Kinda creepy, but it is worth because it saves me a step in the copy/paste process of sharing what's happening down in Honduras.

We shall see :)

1 comment:

marybethg said...

yes my friend! It is a brilliant thing! Just started doing the same thing, AND I LOVE IT! It's so easy and many more people read it if it's posted on facebook.